There are so many found friendship comic books, which is awesome. But there’s a problem here. They’re all mostly teenagers. I am not a teenager. I do not want to be a teenager. I’m proud of my 35 years and would never ever return to those not so happy, hormonally tumultuous years. No. Thanks. What I want is a group of intrepid olds battling magic, hurtling into space, and taking care of their friends while engaging in fun banter. Is that too much to ask? And they don’t have to be in their 30s and 40s—I would read the shit out of The Golden Girls in space. Who wouldn’t? The closest I’ve discovered to found friendships among non-teens is the storytelling group in The One Hundred Nights of Hero. But they’re a tertiary part of the story and not the main relationship. Yes, I have friends. Do we all gather together and go on adventures? Not unless rescheduling coffee shop get-togethers a million times counts. We have children. Jobs. Bills. I get it, olds like me are boring. But then, neither did my teenage group of friends act like any of the friend groups from these graphic novels. The point is, graphic novels are magic. They can create magical found friendships out of anything, anyone. And the audience is there for this. We thirty to forty somethings (and older) read graphic novels. Can’t we have a little fun too? If I’m wrong and there are some found friendship comic books with older characters, please recommend them!

I Need More Older Found Friendships In My Comic Books - 75